
Art works in WORKSHOP can be purchased directly from the artists or owners specified on the label. Communication with them is via phone and / or personal e-mails, also specified. Prices are assessments of owners. TUDOR-ART.COM does not assess works of art and has no commercial role in these transactions.

Constructii in departare
27.56 x 31.50 in
NEAGU, EcaterinaEUR 745oil on canvas
Continuidad I
36.61 x 52.36 in
POLIOTTO, Oscar AlejandroEUR 800digital collage
Continuidad II
36.61 x 52.36 in
POLIOTTO, Oscar AlejandroEUR 800digital collage
Continuidad III
36.61 x 52.36 in
POLIOTTO, Oscar AlejandroEUR 800digital collage
Continuidad IV
36.61 x 52.36 in
POLIOTTO, Oscar AlejandroEUR 800digital collage
7.87 x 7.87 in
JAKABHÁZI, Alexandru (Sándor)EUR 400monotype
19.69 x 23.62 in
HERDELĂU, Ioan AlexandruEUR 350 | USD 450oil on canvas
29.53 x 25.59 in
POPA (ȘERBAN), Ecaterina (Catrinel, Tina)EUR 1 000oil on canvas
7.87 x 7.87 in
SĂSĂRMAN RADU, Anca IuliaEUR 55acrylic on canvas
39.37 x 11.81 x 7.87 in
IONESCU, FlorentinaEUR 430glass and metal
Cos cu fructe (reproducere)
8.27 x 11.81 in
DELIU, Dorel CristianEUR 250oil on cardboard
36.22 x 28.74 in
31.50 x 31.50 in
JITARIU, AncaEUR 450acrylic on canvas
12.60 x 11.81 x 0.79 in
PELMUȘ, ȘtefanEUR 799oil and gold leaf
39.37 x 31.50 in
SANDA CEUCA, AureliaEUR 700acrylic and charcoal on canvas
Cruce 1
24.02 x 16.14 x 9.06 in
CILIANU, Camelia VioricaEUR 600brass
39.37 x 39.37 in
AFTENE, Felix ValiEUR 1 000acrylic on canvas
27.56 x 27.56 in
GEORGESCU, ElenaEUR 400oil
Cumpana cerului
27.56 x 31.50 in
NEAGU, EcaterinaEUR 860oil on canvas
Cumpana si foc
31.50 x 27.56 in
NEAGU, EcaterinaEUR 745oil on canvas
39.37 x 27.56 in
BORȘ, Otilia ElenaEUR 4 000mixed technique on cardboard
Cutia cu miracole
25.59 x 23.62 in
CĂLINESCU, AureliaEUR 370 | USD 465acrylic on canvas
Cutia cu miracole
23.62 x 25.59 in
CĂLINESCU, AureliaEUR 370 | USD 465acrylic on canvas
Cutia Pandorei
4.72 x 4.72 x 4.72 in
PELMUȘ, ȘtefanEUR 799ulei, ceară, caiete, sigiliu, foiță de aur
Dansatoare intr-un vis de apa
35.43 x 59.06 x 1.57 in
CLOȘCA, Ovidiu IoanEUR 1 090oil on canvas

Page 8 from 34, display 25 records from 826, from 176, to 200