BIJU, Leon Alexandru

Works of art in Future Auctions

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Călătorie spre țărmul făgăduinței
13.39 x 22.24 in
(not awarded)1921oil on canvas2024-04-26
Canceu cu garoafe
22.05 x 15.55 in
(not awarded)1949oil on cardboard2024-04-26
Femei egiptene
23.43 x 19.49 in
(not awarded)oil on cardboard2024-04-26
Piramide în Egipt
23.62 x 19.69 in
(not awarded)oil on cardboard2024-04-26
Vas cu trandafiri
11.81 x 9.84 in
(not awarded)oil on cardboard2024-04-26

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